Mild Trigonocephaly - Autism - Ken

My son Ken was diagnosed with mild trigonocephaly at the age of 2 years and 10 months. About one month later, on 5th of July 2004, he underwent decompressive cranioplasty surgical operation.

Within two weeks after the operation, we are seeing good results.

Ken has stopped banging his forehead. He is much less hyperactive, a lot more eye contact, finger pointing and making more noises.

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If you child has mild trigonocephaly (a mild form of craniosynostosis) and if your child has any of the following symptoms: language delay, hyperactivity, head-banging, motor dysfunction, impaired social interactions, panic and irritability, visual problem (squint), morning headaches and vomitting. Then you should seriously consider decompressive cranioplasty surgical operation because the operation has a good chance in moderating or in some cases totally eliminating the symptoms.

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Site created by Graham

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Site Launch: 2004/9/1
Last Update: 2004/12/1

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